
:sleepy afternoon:


before the point...

Hanna was going about 90 mph when she 360'd into this point!

Look! No feet!




Yup, this snow tastes good too!

Here bunny bunny bunny...


Hanna has a recall!

She's learning that when I say "Hanna, Come!" She gets a yummy cookie...

Where's Hanna?!

Hanna loves to roll around in the grass, but I've never seen a dog head dive into a pile of leaves and roll around! She seriously disappeared into the leaves and the Weims were wondering what was going on- she would then burst out of the pile and take off like a crazy puppy!

and this is why I call her jumping Bean : )

Bean's first mini romp after her spay...


Bean got to come outside into the yard this afternoon since it was so nice out. I think she was a bit disappointed though when she found out she couldn't romp and chase leaves with the Weims though.

Poor Bean...

Doesn't get to chase squirrels or cats in the new yard cause she got spayed on Wednesday. I swear I don't think this girl realizes she has had surgery and has sutures!


I've been fostering Hanna since June, and have really never heard her bark. She makes an adorable yawn/whine sound in the morning, but never, ever barks. Today, while she was stalking the squirrel with the Weims she just started to belt out these random barks! She told the squirrel off for a bit, then after she said her piece, went back to zooming around the yard!

Bean's boytoy, Connor

Ballet Beanie style


Hanna lives to RUN! But don't worry, her recall is getting better everyday!